Featured PubsLuxmore Resort HotelTE ANAU, SouthlandDistinction Hotel & Villas Te AnauTE ANAU, SouthlandFiordland Hotel and MotelTE ANAU, SouthlandKingsgate Hotel Te AnauTE ANAU, SouthlandThe Redcliff Restaurant and BarTE ANAU, SouthlandThe Moose BarTE ANAU, Southland Map of TE ANAU, Southland, showing 7 Pubs/Hotels/Bars/Taverns.Show me pubs near meListing all 7 Pubs/Bars/Taverns/Hotels in TE ANAU, Southland:Distinction Hotel & Villas Te AnauFiordland Hotel and MotelKingsgate Hotel Te AnauLuxmore Resort HotelThe Moose BarThe Redcliff Restaurant and BarVillage Inn