Featured PubsKingsgate Hotel Te AnauTE ANAU, SouthlandDistinction Hotel & Villas Te AnauTE ANAU, SouthlandFiordland Hotel and MotelTE ANAU, SouthlandLuxmore Resort HotelTE ANAU, SouthlandThe Moose BarTE ANAU, SouthlandVillage InnTE ANAU, Southland Map of TE ANAU, Southland, showing 7 Pubs/Hotels/Bars/Taverns.Show me pubs near meListing all 7 Pubs/Bars/Taverns/Hotels in TE ANAU, Southland:Distinction Hotel & Villas Te AnauFiordland Hotel and MotelKingsgate Hotel Te AnauLuxmore Resort HotelThe Moose BarThe Redcliff Restaurant and BarVillage Inn